Linda Landy
I can't tell you how many times I was asked what inspired me to do one of my creations. I usually laugh. While I always strive to create something that is a little whimsical and a lot outside the box, every project has a different inspiration.
Most were inspired by cabochons or beads that “spoke to me.” I know it sounds a little unusual, but I often pick up a bead or component and immediately know what I want to do with it. I don’t know where the ideas come from. I just follow their lead.
One of the projects in the book named Unleashed was originally created after I received a cabochon with an unusual drusy void as a gift from Laura McCabe. As soon as I opened the box, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it. It took some time, research and trial and error, but the result was exactly what I imagined.
Saw this image in an American Way inflight magazine article about the pinball museum in Seattle. I usually do my best work on airplanes.
Photo by Louis K. Meisel Gallery, Inc./ Corbis
Started sketching immediately.
Here is the result.
Spent a few hours in my eye doctor's office. I was sitting there for a very long time waiting for the doctor and looking at that machine they use to determine your prescription. Looked at this thing (whatever it is called) long enough and out came my sketchbook. I'm thinking spinning dials.
A bracelet called Take a Spin was created. This one took even more research and trial and error, but I love to play with the spinner on the bracelet.